How do I safely stop Quetiapine?

64-year-old woman4 years ago
I have been taking Quetiapine 25 mg quartered every night for 5 years to relax the mind and sleep. I would like to know how I can stop it? This medication was prescribed to me following a head trauma.
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17 hours

Laurie Hudon Germain · 4 years ago
Thank you for your question!
Quetiapine at 1/4 tablet per night is a very small dose that would not necessarily need to be tapered. However, since you have been taking it regularly for several years, I would suggest that you take 1 dose every other day for at least one to two weeks. Then, if you feel ready, you can stop it completely. If not, you can space it out every 3 days for a while before stopping it completely
In order to put all the chances on your side to successfully stop taking Quetiapine, I suggest that you apply the following recommendations regarding sleep hygiene
  • Establish a sleep routine to be implemented every night, such as:
  • Stop using screens 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime
  • Evening hygiene (bath or shower, brushing teeth, etc.)
  • Reading a few minutes before bedtime
  • If you are still not asleep 20 to 30 minutes after going to bed, leave the room and resume your bedtime routine (brushing your teeth and reading), the body will associate these steps with bedtime
  • Use the bedroom only for sleep and privacy when appropriate
  • Try to limit naps during the day
  • Wake up at about the same time each morning
  • Avoid caffeine after dinner time
  • Avoid physical activity, nicotine, alcohol and heavy meals for a minimum of 2 hours before bedtime
These tips should help you succeed! I hope to have answered your question and remain available for more details if necessary.
Laurie Hudon-Germain, pharmacist
64-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Thanks, but as soon as I forget my dose one night, I can't sleep
Will it ever wear off? Or does my body really need it?
Laurie Hudon Germain · 4 years ago
It is difficult to predict whether these symptoms will improve over time
Have you ever tried alternative methods of calming your mind, such as yoga or meditation?
You could also try to get rid of the thoughts that keep you awake by writing them down in a notebook
Laurie Hudon-Germain, pharmacist
64-year-old woman · 4 years ago
I'm already doing all that. Thank you
Laurie Hudon Germain · 4 years ago
It would be a pleasure,
Don't hesitate if I can do anything else for you!
Laurie Hudon-Germain, pharmacist

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