I have red patches on my stomach, chest and lower back. It's been about 1 week but I don't know what it is?

18-year-old woman4 years ago
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18 hours

18-year-old woman · 4 years ago
It looks like mosquito bites but it doesn't itch and it's like drying
Véronique Gagnon · 4 years ago
I will try to help you. I would need to know some other information
  • is it the same plates since the beginning? Or have others appeared?
  • have you had a fever or other symptoms that are not on the skin, such as fatigue?
  • have you been to a spa or pool in the days before the rash appeared?
  • did you try to put anything on the rash?
18-year-old woman · 4 years ago
There are other plaques that have appeared in the last 1 week
i had no fever or other symptoms
i have a dog and I went swimming in a lake last week and today.
i didn't touch the plaques and I didn't put anything on them
18-year-old woman · 4 years ago
My mom thinks it's dexcema or maybe an allergy. But she is not sure
18-year-old woman · 4 years ago
i went to the bathroom and my stools are dark green? Is there a connection?
Véronique Gagnon · 4 years ago
Thanks for the information.
It's definitely hard to tell without seeing the patches. It could be eczema, but usually it's something you have, it comes back in spurts, so you probably would have had it before. Eczema patches look like dry, red skin, sometimes with cracks and itching. However, it can change from person to person
It could also be an allergic reaction to a compound/pollutant in the lake water, or if your dog has touched something that can cause a reaction. What is strange is that it is only your trunk (belly/back) that is affected. Also, this kind of reaction should go away with time if you are not in contact with the cause.
In short, the cause is difficult to determine. We can't exclude the possibility of a fungal infection, often there are more and more plaques, and they get bigger.
I would recommend for the moment to use a good moisturizer without perfume (ex: glaxal base, aveeno, eucerin), because it will help to treat the eczema if it is that, and if it is rather an allergic reaction it will contribute to a better recovery of the skin.
If the symptoms increase (more and more patches) or itch a lot, I invite you to go show them to your pharmacist or doctor. In case of fever, swelling, heat or fatigue, I recommend you to go see your doctor
18-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Thank you

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