Small pale brown spot on the breast

24-year-old woman5 years ago
I have a mini coffee colored spot on my breast, it is very small but it worries me and I have no idea if it was there before! I sent a picture by email! Thanks in advance!
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9 minutes

David Tan · 5 years ago
I received your picture, thank you. At first glance, it looks like a fairly ordinary "freckle". It seems to correlate with another smaller spot seen in the upper right of the photo as well and you could easily have it elsewhere
That said, I assume you might be concerned about the possibility that this is a pre-cancerous sign. I checked to see if there is a way to distinguish the possibility: on the face of it, the main risk factor is too much unprotected sun exposure. How often is the area of the spot exposed to the sun? Is the spot also flat or bulging? Finally, just to be sure, do you feel anything on the spot (e.g. itching)?
24-year-old woman · 5 years ago
I don't have any itching and it's completely flat!
24-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Oh and it's never exposed to the sun really especially since I never wear cleavage and I have a bra
David Tan · 5 years ago
It's perfect. In this case, I think there is a better chance that it is just a normal "freckle". To know with total certainty if there is a cancerous risk, one would have to perform a biopsy of the spot, but the small probability that it is one is small enough that it would not justify the efforts and costs associated. Already by the fact that it is not a sun-exposed area, the risk is practically non-existent
I hope this gives you some reassurance. If there is anything else, please let me know.
David Tan, pharmacist
24-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Yes, that makes me feel better! However, can a freckle appear for no reason? And is it normal on the breast?
David Tan · 5 years ago
A freckle can indeed appear suddenly... The reasons for their appearance are nevertheless very numerous and they are not limited to the breast; they can be found on the face, on the body, on the arms or legs, etc. The causes are as much (if not more often) benign as they can be malignant.
Benign causes include age, pregnancy, hormones and birth control pills, etc. There is also sun exposure as I mentioned earlier, but this one is more responsible for facial spots. Certain medications called photosensitive drugs can cause these spots, as can a slight trauma to the skin. In general, hyperpigmentation is not dangerous and the treatments are purely cosmetic.
24-year-old woman · 5 years ago
I started a new birth control pill, could this be the cause? I started Mirvila 21 13 days ago
David Tan · 5 years ago
It is indeed very possible that the birth control pill is the cause or at worst contributes to the appearance of the spot. The majority of spots associated with birth control pills are seen more on the face, but it is still a fairly likely factor that would explain the appearance of your spot. It depends, of course, if the stain has just appeared or was there before... Given the uncertainty of the timing of the task, this creates a variable that will not allow us to assume absolute certainty, but we agree that it is a pretty good coincidence that you just observed your task when you started a new pill recently.

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