How long does it take for Pantoprazole to take effect?

54-year-old woman5 years ago
Hello, I started the Pantoprazole 5 days ago, how long can we see the results? My ENT prescribed it for 3 months, to be re-evaluated if symptoms disappear or not. Also, I get hives when I walk or work out (for almost 25 years), as well as pollen allergies, I usually take Reactin. Is there an interaction between these two medications? Thank you!
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an hour

Charles Dagenais · 5 years ago
Pantoprazole produces its full effect after a few days, usually after 7-14 days. Depending on what it is used for, it may take several weeks to see a significant result. There are no interactions between pantoprazole and reactin, both can be used at the same time
54-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Perfect, thank you very much
Charles Dagenais · 5 years ago

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Answered by

Charles Dagenais

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