Should I be concerned and go to the emergency room for this bleeding at just over 4 weeks postpartum?

24-year-old womana year ago
Hi, I gave birth a little over 4 weeks ago (September 23). Since about September 30, the lochial bleeding was not important (not much and decreasing over the weeks). The color often changed from red to pinkish-red. In the last two weeks they had decreased even more, they were very little. However, since two days, the bleeding has started to be present again in great quantity (dark and abundant). There are also very small clots. Since my pregnancy follow-up is over with the clinic that followed my pregnancy, I no longer have a doctor to follow me during my postpartum and my only way to get answers to my questions is to go to the emergency room. At one week postpartum, I went to the emergency room because of a pain in my lower abdomen vis a vis lower back pain. After exploring the possibility of appendicitis (abdominal ultrasound, blood work, urine test and pelvic ultrasound as well as a taco), the doctors concluded that it might be endometritis, but they weren't sure. I took antibiotics for 7 days and never felt the pain that had sent me to the emergency room. I was wondering if it is common for bleeding to become heavier again 4 weeks after giving birth (bright red color and small clots)? Is it possible that the first menstrual period after the birth follows the lochia that was almost over? Also, I was wondering if I should consult (in other words, should I go to the emergency room for a consultation in your opinion?) I should also mention that during my pregnancy I had preeclampsia, which led me to be induced at 37 weeks and 5 days (5 days after discovering the preeclampsia). When I was checked at the hospital and about 2 weeks after delivery, the affected liver enzymes and platelets were back to normal. I currently have no other symptoms except for a little pain in my belly (pain comparable to menstruation before pregnancy).
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26 minutes

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Mrs,
Bleeding can occur several weeks after delivery. This does not necessarily indicate the presence of a problem as long as the bleeding remains light and temporary.
I recommend that you consult a doctor if your bleeding persists for more than a week without improvement, or if other symptoms occur such as pain or fever
I hope I have been helpful to you, I remain available if you have any other questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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