Can metformin still cause diarrhea 7 days after stopping it?

53 -year-old man6 years ago
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2 days

53 -year-old man · 6 years ago
Hello, My doctor prescribed Metformin last week. Goal of 850mg starting with 250mg for a week. A recent result showing fasting blood sugar at 7.1 That same day, I was already banged up for a few days by a virus (cough, pain, headaches, congestion etc..) Since that day, Tuesday January 16th, I have diahrea, several times a day and nausea. I stopped the treatment on Tuesday evening thinking that it was the cause of the diahrrea and nausea 6 days later, I am not better despite stopping the Metformin. I also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and I take Imovan daily to sleep (5 mg) Could there still be a link between the Metformin treatment and my symptoms? Thank you
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Good morning, sir,
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Simply contracting a virus could have caused the symptoms you describe, especially in someone with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). However, starting metformin at the same time certainly did not help the diarrhea.
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
It is certain that you no longer have any of this medication in your blood (or in your intestine). However, it is possible that the diarrhea you had last week has somewhat damaged the walls of your intestine, making it hypersensitive to the presence of food that is too acidic, too sweet or too fatty. It is therefore possible that, in a way, you are currently experiencing an irritable bowel "crisis" due to last week's diarrhea.
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
To fix the problem now, you'll need to be extra vigilant about the foods you eat. Are there foods that you know are more difficult for you to digest usually? Is your IBS more like diarrhea or constipation?
53 -year-old man · 6 years ago
Thank you for your answer. My IBS is of the diahrea type. Constipation I don't really know that
53 -year-old man · 6 years ago
When it comes to food, I have a hard time identifying what would be a "pattern". Hot chocolate, for example, rarely passes. Very spicy foods
53 -year-old man · 6 years ago
I started the pedialyte yesterday so I don't get dehydrated and I'm seeing a doctor this morning. I will get back to you with more details
53 -year-old man · 6 years ago
Thank you very much for your answer
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Bon matin !
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
What did the doctor tell you about your situation?
53 -year-old man · 6 years ago
Hello, the doctor had the same opinion as yours, that the medication triggered an acute attack I will see my doctor again about the glucophage and for now, the imodium has done its job.
53 -year-old man · 6 years ago
Thank you for your follow-up and your answers!
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
That's what I thought. I hope you have a great end of the day (despite everything)!
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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