Is it safe to take medication for anxiety?

34-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, I am currently taking domperidone to help my milk production. I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety for quite some time now. I have difficulty sleeping well, eating well and I have a lot of emotions. I think I'm at the point where I need to ask for help (medication) to help me cope. Asking my doctor for this help will also mean that I will have to stop breastfeeding my baby? Is there a medication that is compatible with breastfeeding and domperidone? Should I consider stopping breastfeeding right away? Are there any natural alternatives?
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14 minutes

Nada Chiasson · 2 years ago
Are you receiving psychological help for anxiety and emotional management? It would be good to start with that if you haven't already. Medication is one of the possible treatments, but there are many aspects to consider in your situation
34-year-old woman · 2 years ago
For the moment I do not receive this type of care. I was also going to discuss it with my doctor to see if there are resources with shorter waiting lists.
Nada Chiasson · 2 years ago
Do you have access to an employee assistance program or group insurance for private care? The delays are generally shorter.
Also, with the virtual mode, sometimes it is easier to access.
If you know that there are waiting lists, it means that you have taken steps with info-social or your CLSC. You can also contact them again if the situation has changed or gotten worse for you. When there are young children, this is sometimes a priority service.
If your doctor is part of the family doctor group, there are sometimes resources available more quickly.
Have you also thought about help such as a breastfeeding sponsor who can sometimes offer some support, listening and advice. I don't know if this exists in your area but you can get information from info-social.
34-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Thank you for your answer I will take the time to check all the options mentioned and discuss with my family doctor

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