I am skinny and would like to gain weight. Is there any medication for that?

19-year-old woman4 years ago
I am a girl and I am 15 years old and I am 1m 68 for 45Kg I am in good health I eat and do not suffer from any disease. I am quite thin and I would like to gain weight in a healthy and safe way and I heard that there are medicines for that but I want to know first.
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13 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
You are doing the right thing by first educating yourself before taking any medication. 😊
In your specific situation, the use of a medication is not to be recommended. This is because appetite-boosting drugs are sometimes used in people who have cancer and don't eat much (which can decrease their strength to fight the cancer). This is not done in young, healthy people.
What is recommended instead is to give yourself time. After all, you are still young and your growth is not yet complete. In the eyes of many women, you are actually lucky to be this size. One thing is for sure, there is something you can do to gain "mass" and have more curves (which is often what women your age in a similar situation are interested in).
If this is also your case, I recommend that you continue to eat well and move well and add strength training moves to your schedule (Pilates, squats, etc.). With the help of a kinesiologist at a gym, you'll be able to target certain muscle groups that will allow you to get a little fit while you wait for your growth to complete (all naturally too!)
Good luck at the end of the day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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