The lax a Day is for his constipation and the advil to relieve an inflammation he has at the level of a hip under recommendations of the doctor

33-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, my son is currently taking an antibiotic (amoxicillin) for an ear infection. I was wondering if there is a contraindication with this antibiotic to give him lax a Day as well as advils? My boy is 12 months old. If there is no contraindication, what dosage should I give him for the lax a day and the advil? He is 12 months old but already weighs 26 lbs.
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an hour

Chloé Pouliot · 3 years ago
There is no contraindication between Amoxil, Lax a Day and Advil.
However, taking an antibiotic can make the stools more liquid
The usual dose of Lax a Day is 12g/day for a 26 pound child. Dilute in a large glass of milk or water
How much Advil syrup do you have at home?
33-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you for your answer! Concerning advil it is Advil for infants which contains 200mg/5 ml
Chloé Pouliot · 3 years ago
For Advil syrup 200mg/5ml:
give 2 ml four times a day, every 6 hours.
preferably after milk or meals, as Advil can irritate the stomach.
Have a good day!
33-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Great, thank you very much

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