I am a 57 year old woman and I have been taking Zyban for 5 months to stop smoking. My blood pressure has increased for the last 2 months. Is this a side effect?

63-year-old woman6 years ago
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a day

63-year-old woman · 6 years ago
I have lupus and also take Prednisone 5mg/dr, Plaquenil 200mg twice/dr Monday to Friday, ASA 80mg 3 times/wk. Euro folic 5mg daily, Imuran 50mg daily, Calcium daily.
Karima Zerrouki · 6 years ago
Karima Zerrouki · 6 years ago
Bupropion may be associated with an increase in blood pressure, but this side effect is relatively rare (1 to 4% of patients). Please note that prednisone taken regularly can also cause an increase in blood pressure. Other reasons may also explain the cause (history, diet, etc.).
It is best not to stop these medications without seeing your doctor again. For now, I suggest taking your pressure twice a day for a week and transcribing those results onto a sheet of paper. Be sure to sit down for a good 5 minutes before taking the measurement to avoid distorting the results. Avoid coffee and exercise 1 hour before the measurement. This may give a better idea of what to do since blood pressure can vary throughout the day.
Know that a blood pressure of 180/100 mm Hg is considered a blood pressure that requires immediate management in the emergency room. If your blood pressure is more like 140/90 mm Hg but not greater than that, a follow-up appointment with your doctor in the next few months would be recommended.
Don't hesitate to write me if you have more questions.
Karima Zerrouki

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