I'm very tired and my breasts (around the nipple) are itchy. There is also some redness. What would help?

34-year-old woman9 years ago
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2 months

34-year-old woman · 9 years ago
I have been breastfeeding for 3 weeks and I am currently taking Dr. Newman's cream. I feel like the skin on my breasts is stretching. Is it because I am going to have stretch marks that it stings?
Alexandre Chagnon · 8 years ago
First of all, you cannot conclude that itching is the result of stretch marks. Itching and redness should not be a cause for concern unless accompanied by severe pain, heat or burning at the site of the rash, fever, or if the rash progresses. Continue using Dr. Jack Newman's cream as long as you have pain, but try to limit its application to the nipple and breast area. It's probably the moisture that makes your skin itch.
Alexandre Chagnon · 8 years ago
So leave your breasts uncovered as often and for as long as possible. If you use nursing pads, change them as often as possible, do not wait for them to get wet. To reduce the itching that is already present, apply cold (10 minutes every hour or so), and you can use a cortisone cream available in the pharmacy if this is not enough. Ask your pharmacist for a 0.5% cortisone cream, to be applied 2 to 3 times a day in a thin layer on the redness. Avoid applying it on the nipples, but if you should have some on the nipples and the child has some in the mouth, it is not serious. See a doctor if your symptoms do not improve after 1 to 2 weeks or if they get worse before that time.

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