I would like to have information about CBD and how it interacts with my medications

76-year-old woman4 years ago
I am diabetic control I am also depressed I take antidepressants and I have insomnia and often I do not sleep
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
To be able to answer you properly, I am missing some information.
What are the names of your medications exactly? Are your depression symptoms well controlled as well?
76-year-old woman · 4 years ago
The cdb is the non-psycothic part of cannabis and there are good effects on pain and others
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Feel free to write me and ask me a question again, and let me know what exactly your medications are.
Looking forward to helping you,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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