I have a blue foot. What should I do?

80 -year-old man4 years ago
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14 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Sir,
It depends on the cause of this blue foot and when did it appear?
80 -year-old man · 4 years ago
  • It's been 4-5 days,I had pain in my back. Then my buttocks (sciatic nerve) and then I have pain in my foot and my foot turned blue
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
The situation you describe sounds rather strange to me and would require a medical consultation in my opinion. Indeed, the appearance of bruising (ecchymosis) without having been bumped is a signal to go see a doctor.
Sorry I can't be more helpful at this time. Please feel free to get back to me with any questions about a medication or diagnosis.
Tell me about it,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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