How accurate are the STI screening tests?

37 -year-old man4 years ago
I am a man and my test was negative. The woman I was sleeping with tested positive. Is my test 100% reliable or not?
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an hour

Laurie Hudon Germain · 4 years ago
37 -year-old man · 4 years ago
Laurie Hudon Germain · 4 years ago
Thank you. Depending on the infection contracted by your partner, the course of action for the partner will vary.
For Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, it is generally recommended that the partner also be treated under the following conditions
  • Sexual contact with the infected person within 60 days prior to first symptoms or testing
  • Sexual contact while the person had symptoms
  • Sexual contact while the condition is being treated or up to 7 days after treatment is completed
If you meet any of these criteria, it would probably be appropriate for you to receive treatment, even if the test was negative and there were no symptoms. A doctor should be contacted.
For genital herpes, it is possible for one partner to have the disease and not pass it on to their partner. If it is genital herpes, watch for symptoms and do not hesitate to see a doctor again if you think you have it too
If it is syphilis, the partner will also need to be treated in most cases
Please note that for some people, the onset of a sexually transmitted infection may take longer than for others. This could explain the negative result of your test. In addition, although the tests are very accurate and reliable in the vast majority of cases, a false negative is never impossible
Please note that in the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, most medical clinics offer telephone consultations. If you think you need to consult a physician, I invite you to find out more
I hope I have answered your question, I remain available for more details if necessary
Laurie Hudon-Germain, pharmacist

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