Gravol Ginger in pregnancy, is it safe?

33-year-old woman5 years ago
I would like to know if Gravol Ginger is safe for pregnant women. Thank you
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18 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Good morning, Madam, Gravol ginger™ can be used safely during pregnancy. Be aware, however, that it is usually a little less effective than other medications used to relieve pregnancy nausea, such as Diclectin™. In addition to ginger, you should try to avoid as much as possible these few factors that can make nausea worse, i.e. go to bed right after eating, lie on your left side, take your pregnancy supplement in the morning (take it late in the day with a meal instead). If after 3 to 5 days the nausea has not subsided with Gravol ginger™, come back and see me. Have a nice day, Alexandre

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