What should I do if my glans is red after sex?

21 -year-old man4 years ago
For some time now, I have had a red glans without any pain, and this, long before I had my first sexual intercourse. I noticed this condition after using cotton swabs and shower gel on my glans to clean it. I put polysporin on it to soothe it, which more or less worked. I combined Canensten with polysporin for 2 weeks 2x a day and there was a remarkable improvement soothing most of the redness. However, after an improvement, the progress seems to be lost after having protected sex or just masturbating as the friction was returning me to square one. What to do (I have no discharge or pain)
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20 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening sir,
How long does the glans remain red after masturbation or sex (a few hours? a few days? a few weeks?)?
21 -year-old man · 4 years ago
It takes a few days for stronger symptoms but the redness never goes away.
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Thank you!
So you need to see a doctor so that they can look to see if a fungus or eczema could explain the symptoms.
This can only be done after a physical examination by the doctor.
In the meantime, don't apply anything to the glans to avoid making the doctor's job more difficult.
Happy day :)

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