How often can I safely take ativan daily? I'm also afraid that it will harm my long-term memory?

58-year-old woman4 years ago
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
That's a good question! In fact, there really is no dose at which a "danger" appears. Rather, the goal is to take the smallest dose possible for the shortest amount of time, while still being able to control anxiety symptoms. Rarely do we see people receiving more than 3 mg per day of Ativan™, although it is possible in some serious situations.
As for the effect on memory, you are right to have such a fear. There is some evidence to suggest that memory effects are indeed possible, although the exact mechanism causing these memory losses is not yet fully understood. It does, however, inform us that we should try to take these medications for short periods of time, if possible.
True to the word,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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