My two week old son seems to be suffering from constipation and seems to have two hemorrhoids! What can I do to relieve him

29-year-old woman5 years ago
Breastfed baby
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15 hours

David Tan · 5 years ago
There are several ways to treat constipation in an infant. Depending on your child's age, you can
  • give more fluids (breast milk or commercial formula) to a constipated infant by having him or her drink more frequently. If your baby is older than 6 months, you can also offer water in addition to milk.
  • move your baby's legs as if you were pedaling, and gently massage her tummy clockwise three or four times a day
  • give high-fiber foods
  • try to get him to have regular bowel movements two or three times a day
To treat hemorrhoids, you can
  • fill a bathtub with warm water and place your baby in it as if you were giving him a bath. Avoid shampooing and let your baby enjoy the clear water
  • massage the area very gently, being careful not to apply pressure that will hurt him. Give him sitz baths several times a day to relieve him especially before diaper changes.
  • keep your baby clean and dry. Use unscented, alcohol-free wipes; avoid dry toilet paper on the affected area.
How long has your baby been constipated? Does your baby's tummy hurt or feel hard? Are there any other symptoms (fever, vomiting, etc.)?
I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please let me know and I will be happy to help you.
David Tan, pharmacist
29-year-old woman · 5 years ago
my son has at least one bowel movement a day but often he has difficulty evacuating it! He has big cramps and his stomach becomes hard and it prevents him from sleeping...
thank you for the other advice
David Tan · 5 years ago
Thanks for the information! The hard tummy seems to confirm that your baby is suffering from constipation. In this case, hemorrhoids do not help the situation, because your baby will surely have the reflex to hold back in order to have less pain in the anus.
For now, try to correct the constipation by making him drink a lot of liquids (mostly milk... alternate with water if the amount of milk becomes excessive)... hopefully this will soften his stool, make it easier to pass through the digestive system and prevent it from accumulating like a rock in the end. By alleviating the constipation, it will also give the hemorrhoids a chance to resolve and heal (because the harder the stool, the more it forces the anus and the worse the hemorrhoids get).
In the meantime, consider seeing a doctor or pediatrician if your baby
  • has constipation that has lasted for more than a week
  • has bloody stools
  • has a severe stomach ache (the prone position helps)
  • vomits
Please keep me informed of your baby's situation and do not hesitate to contact me again if needed; it will be my pleasure to continue to accompany and guide you if necessary.
David Tan, pharmacist

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