My 15 month old daughter won't drink cow's milk. Could she be getting too little calcium?

39-year-old woman4 years ago
She doesn't like dairy products very much. She hardly eats any cheese, for example. Would she need to take supplements?
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16 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Mom,
Some children refuse dairy products, like any other food, this taste can develop but you should not force them to drink or eat it.
Certain foods can provide a good source of calcium:
  • Green vegetables;
  • Soy milk;
  • Tofu;
  • Certain canned fish.
You can also offer him foods cooked with milk, veggies au gratin, frozen yogurt, smoothies withclait/yogurt/soy, or even soups. I'm leaving you a link here with some ideas.
For now, don't worry too much about the deficiencies. Try her few solutions and discuss them with her doctor at her next routine appointment simply.
Hope this helps, have a nice day,
Andrée-Ann Parent, pharmacy student under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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