What could explain my lack of menstruation?

21-year-old woman2 years ago
Hi, I am about 50 days into my menstrual cycle and I have not yet had my period. I am on the copper IUD and during my last period I bled for weeks. I have a regular 40 day cycle but I have had my period twice and every 3 months a few times. I have had sex recently. I don't think I'm pregnant so I haven't taken a test. My stomach has been hurting lately like my period is about to start but nothing. No in nothing for 5 days since my little tummy ache. Also, I had my wisdom teeth pulled recently and as a result I haven't been eating much and I'm tired sometimes and even before my extraction. I've already had a fainting spell before my period Yas 3 years ago, to the point where I couldn't see. It has happened to me several times in my life but right now and often I don't get up quickly and often it's before my period I feel a little dizzy. According to my doctor this is normal and I don't have anemia. I should mention that I'm usually really hungry and I have cravings. And I felt it but I had my teeth pulled so I couldn't really satisfy my hunger other than with liquids. Also, I have to mention that I am very thin (5 foot 6, 105 pounds), in good general health but I worry because I know that missing a period can be problematic and a sign of something. Also, I don't think it has anything to do with it but I have had an ovarian cyst with ovarian torsion.
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19 hours

21-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Sorry for the spelling mistakes. I hope it's understandable. I was a bit hasty because I didn't want to forget anything
21-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Also I feel that I pms. Because in the last few weeks I've had a mood swing, I've been more anxious and usually it happens before my period. On the other hand, I usually have sensitive breasts but since I stopped the pill and changed to the sterilet I don't have this symptom anymore that I had before the pill
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello ma'am, thank you for your question!
There are several things that you report that may explain the delay in your period, including the fact that you usually have a long cycle, an episode of severe fatigue, and a very low BMI.
While this may sound unpleasant, it does not necessarily indicate a problem. However, the first and easiest avenue is usually to take a pregnancy test, just to be on the safe side : )
If it continues to persist, I suggest you consult a doctor, as a precaution.
I remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
21-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Perfect, thank you! Have a nice day!
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
With pleasure, to you too!

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