Is there any contraindication to using the Revitive leg device, sold in pharmacies, if I have vascular blockage in my legs?

61-year-old woman6 years ago
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27 minutes

61-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Laurie Hudon Germain · 6 years ago
Good evening,
The Revitive device uses electrical stimulation of the leg muscles to facilitate blood circulation in the legs. This interesting mechanism seems to help some people with blood circulation problems in the legs, but the results are rather variable from one person to another
The contraindications to its use are the following
- Pregnancy
- Wearing a pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator
- Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (phlebitis), i.e. redness, heat, pain and/or swelling in the calf
- Known diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (phlebitis) and currently being treated
If your doctor has diagnosed you with a vascular problem in your legs, I suggest that you discuss this with your doctor before purchasing Revitive
I hope this answers your question,
Laurie Hudon-Germain, pharmacist
61-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Thank you Laurie

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