Is tofu not recommended for a 60 year old woman with breast cancer who is now in remission and still taking Anastrozole?

69 -year-old man7 years ago
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3 days

69 -year-old man · 7 years ago
All treatments are finished. Only hormone to take
Emmanuelle Laflamme · 7 years ago
Emmanuelle Laflamme · 7 years ago
Although there is no convincing evidence that soy affects the risk of recurrence, the theoretical risk that phytoestrogens could stimulate the growth of hormonally sensitive cancers raises the concern that high soy intake could be dangerous. Thus, moderation of soy intake is generally suggested.
Emmanuelle Laflamme · 7 years ago
Emmanuelle Laflamme · 7 years ago
Hello! My fingers clicked too fast (before translation), sorry. So what I found is that there is no convincing link between a diet rich in phytoestrogens (soy derivatives like tofu) and the risk of breast cancer recurrence
Emmanuelle Laflamme · 7 years ago
However, there is still a theoretical risk, so the general recommendation is to go in moderation. In other words, eating tofu "occasionally" should not be a problem. I hope this answers your question. Have a great day!

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