Can the pharmacist prescribe chlamydia medication?

33-year-old woman8 years ago
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16 days

33-year-old woman · 8 years ago
I had an abortion and they tested me for gonorrhoea and chlamydia. It was positive, but I didn't get a prescription. Do I have to go back to the doctor or does my pharmacist have the right to give me the necessary antibiotics since the test has already been done?
Alexandre Chagnon · 8 years ago
Unfortunately, the pharmacist is not authorized to prescribe antibiotics for sexually transmitted infections (STBBI) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, even if the test has already been done. You will need to see the doctor who did the test, or at least call her. In fact, it is very likely that because your test has already been done and was positive, he can simply send your prescription to your pharmacy to pick it up.
Alexandre Chagnon · 8 years ago
Don't hesitate to write me again if you have any other questions.

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