What can be done to reduce nausea after taking escitalopram?

26 -year-old man2 years ago
Hi. I have been vomiting a lot due to stress. I was prescribed sandoz escitalopram. I tried escitalopram yesterday and it seems like I've been having nausea since this morning. Should I continue the medication or stop it?
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9 hours

Chloé Pouliot · 2 years ago
Good evening,
I have 2 questions for you:
What is the prescribed dose?
How do you take your medication?
26 -year-old man · 2 years ago
1 1/2 pill (5mg) and I took them with a glass of water
Chloé Pouliot · 2 years ago
I agree.
I suggest you continue taking escitalopram 5 mg for a few more days.
Nausea may be an effect of the medication at the beginning of the treatment. After a few days, the nausea will decrease.
I strongly encourage you to continue taking the medication and to take it with food to reduce nausea.
Have a nice day,

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