What are the most common side effects of amitriptyline? Thank you

23 -year-old man2 years ago
My spouse has been suffering from chronic migraine for 2 years. Her MD prescribed amitriptyline 10 mg HS up to 50 mg HS if not effective. I have heard that tricyclic antidepressants have many side effects that are quite worrisome, depending on the dose given. I'm a little concerned. The list of side effects is quite extensive...
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18 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question!
Amitriptyline is one of the most frequently prescribed treatments for migraine prevention. It is gradually increased to reduce the extent of its side effects. The main ones are drowsiness (so take it 1 hour before bedtime), dry mouth, dry eyes and constipation. However, in most cases, these side effects tend to diminish over time. If your spouse develops any of these side effects, and they become too bothersome, it is suggested that you return to the lower dose if it was better tolerated.
We hope this reassures you and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
23 -year-old man · 2 years ago
Thank you for your response and your time.
[name removed to maintain confidentiality]
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
We'd love to!

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