Should I give amoxicillin to my 2 year old daughter, for a diarrhea (turista?) that is very little now (improvement)

41-year-old woman4 years ago
A doctor here in Peru prescribed antibiotics and I'm not sure if she really needs them or if they will really help her. Thank you
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8 hours

David Tan · 4 years ago
Generally, in the case of a tourista, antibiotics are used if the diarrhea is accompanied by one of the following conditions
  • She has more than 3 liquid diarrheas in less than 8 hours
  • There is blood in the stool
  • She has a fever
If any of these conditions occur, you may want to give the antibiotic. Otherwise, focus on preventing dehydration by giving Pedialyte as needed, as the danger is with dehydration and diarrhea itself. If the symptoms improve, the antibiotic would not be necessary. A tourista only lasts 2-3 days on average, 5 days maximum. Beyond that time, a medical consultation will be recommended.
I hope this answers your question. If there is anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me again and I will be happy to help you.
David Tan, pharmacist
41-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Thanks a lot :)

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