I have been taking Omeprazole 20 mg for over 2 years. Is it possible that it affects my ferritin level, because for the last year my level has been dropping?

70 -year-old man7 years ago
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70 -year-old man · 7 years ago
I take omeprazole because I have a hiatal hernia and it affects the esophagus to the point that food has difficulty passing through thank you
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Omeprazole, like all PPI (proton pump inhibitor) drugs, affects the absorption of several elements. Calcium, Magnesium, vitamin B12 and... iron. Non-heme iron is actually less well absorbed when stomach acidity is reduced, as with PPIs.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
It would be surprising if this was the only factor in your declining ferritin levels, but considering that you have been taking it for 2 years now, it is very relevant to ask if you still need it!
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
We look forward to seeing you,
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
70 -year-old man · 7 years ago
I tried to stop the ipp but after 2 days the burning started again. Is there a medication that would affect the supplements less?
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
The more the drug reduces acidity, the more it affects nutrient absorption. The problem is that usually the most effective drugs are those that reduce acidity the most.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
This leaves a few options. The first is to develop a plan to wean off your PPI without replacing it with anything, and to continue taking it from time to time when you have symptoms. The second is to wean off the PPI by replacing it with a slightly less effective stomach medication, such as anti-H2. This family of medications includes Zantac (ranitidine). Although I recommend that you speak with a pharmacist to determine what is best for you, ranitidine is available over the counter at the pharmacy.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
We look forward to seeing you,
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Alexandre Chagnon
70 -year-old man · 7 years ago
thank you very much for the information very much appreciate

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