I was wondering, as a pharmacist, what do you recommend for gum/teeth pain for a 9 month old?

32-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, my 9 month old baby seems to have gum/teeth pain. I have been giving him Camilia (homeopathic medicine) for a few days. Note that he has an intolerance to dairy products (drinks Similac Alimentum).
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25 minutes

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Teeth/gum pain is common in infants this age. Make sure your baby does not have any other symptoms that could account for the discomfort (fever, diarrhea).
I invite you to visit the webpage of "Naître et grandir" who have made a very interesting capsule on this topic:https://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/sante/naitre-grandir-sante-bebe-dent-poussee-dentaire/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> https://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/sante/naitre-grandir-sante-bebe-dent-poussee-dentaire/
You will find useful tips to relieve your baby's discomfort.
Happy day 🙂
Stéphanie Potash, pharmacy student (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist)
32-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Merci beaucoup! 🙂

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