How can I eliminate some of the discomfort/sensation during sex?

44-year-old woman2 years ago
questions about sex
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17 hours

Lucie Deceuninck · 2 years ago
Good morning, ma'am,
Very often, discomfort during sexual relations is related to dryness of the intimate parts.
Therefore, in addition to prolonging foreplay (cuddling, massaging, caressing, ...), using a lubricant (saliva or other commercial lubricant) during sex is very important. In addition, a long-lasting vaginal moisturizer (e.g. Replens brand) can help relieve vaginal dryness on a daily basis if needed
However, as other causes are possible, several professionals could certainly help you to evaluate and remedy this situation: a doctor / gynecologist for a gynecological examination, a physiotherapist for perineal rehabilitation as well as a psychologist / sexologist.
We hope that these few tips will help you,
Hope to see you soon!
44-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Thank you for your answer. This is the first time I've asked this kind of question, and I must admit that my initial question was not precise enough. Vaginal dryness is not the issue, and when my IUD was checked last summer, my gynecologist did not detect any problem, "the whole thing is well toned" according to her. It is rather a discomfort during one or two positions, I will talk to her about it during my follow-up appointment and try to have a consultation with a sexologist, my psychologist being less knowledgeable in this field.
Keep up the good work!
Lucie Deceuninck · 2 years ago
Exactly, you have the right approach! By daring to talk about it, you will find solutions 😊 And sometimes, solutions can come from different professionals so don't hesitate to vary the types of consultations
Thank you for your feedback,
I look forward to hearing from you!

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