Hello, for a person with kidney failure, how much fluid should he/she take per day? Also, why can't she take potassium and magnesium supplements? Thank you for your help!

50-year-old woman6 years ago
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7 hours

50-year-old woman · 6 years ago
renal insufficiency
Charles Dagenais · 6 years ago
Good evening,
There are several factors that can influence whether or not a person with kidney failure needs to limit the amount of fluid they take: the level of failure (mild, moderate, severe), whether or not the patient is receiving dialysis treatments, and other diseases and conditions (e.g. heart failure).
There is usually no fluid restriction for a person with moderate kidney failure (not on dialysis) and no heart failure
Charles Dagenais · 6 years ago
The kidney helps to keep the blood concentration of sodium, potassium and magnesium stable and in balance. In kidney failure, it is often more difficult for the kidney to eliminate excess potassium and magnesium. If this person receives too much of these elements and ends up with blood levels that are too high (the kidney being unable to maintain the balance), this can cause serious heart problems (arrhythmias)
50-year-old woman · 6 years ago
So, it would be better to have a fluid restriction in chronic renal failure without dialysis and if dialysis?
Charles Dagenais · 6 years ago
I do not recommend fluid restriction in renal failure without dialysis.
50-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Thank you very much!

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Answered by

Charles Dagenais

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