Hello, I take a Reactin pill in the evening and I drink a little alcohol during a party with friends, is it really not recommended or is it acceptable exceptionally one evening?

21-year-old woman6 years ago
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17 minutes

21-year-old woman · 6 years ago
The Reactin was prescribed to me to take in the evening and act 24h
Charles Dagenais · 6 years ago
The combination of the 2 (reactin and alcohol) is usually well tolerated. Reactin does not usually cause drowsiness, but some people may experience mild drowsiness, especially at a dose of 20mg. This effect can be added to the effect of the alcohol.
In short: no problem as long as the amount of alcohol is reasonable

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Answered by

Charles Dagenais

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Familiprix Hébert & Ferlatte
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