My 6 month old baby spits up a lot and sometimes 2 to 3 hours after feeding. We have started purées but it doesn't change anything.

33-year-old woman4 years ago
He didn't regurgitate as often before. Sometimes it's like water, sometimes it's like curdled milk, I don't know what to do.
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14 hours

33-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Note also that he drools a lot
Gabrielle Martel-Rondeau · 4 years ago
It is normal for a baby to spit up after drinking or eating, some do it more than others and sometimes it can seem overwhelming to parents. This situation often improves on its own around the age of 9 to 12 months. I can understand that this situation worries you. I invite you to read this page on spit-up from Birth and Growing (see below) which explains some tips to try to help (ex.: take breaks, tie the diaper less tightly to reduce pressure on the tummy)
As for the milk, if it is commercial formula, you can try thickening it with rice cereal (1 tsp (5mL) per ounce of formula (30mL). Some bottles may also cause your baby to drink more slowly.
Does your baby seem to have tummy aches or is he or she more irritable than usual after meals? Is he or she having more trouble sleeping than before? Does your baby seem to be losing weight or not gaining weight? If you answer yes to most of these questions, it may be reflux. In this case, I recommend that you consult your family doctor.
In any case, if your baby is spitting up, if there is blood in the spit-up, if the spit-up is yellowish/greenish like bile, or if he seems dehydrated (wets his diaper less than usual, is more amorphous than usual), I would also recommend that you see a doctor
Concerning the fact that he drools a lot, this can be due to teething, he is at the age of the first teeth which often makes babies salivate more.
Don't hesitate if you have any other questions!
Gabrielle Martel-Rondeau, pharmacist

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