My 6 month old baby has a flare up and a very swollen and red eye, can it be conjunctivitis and is it related to the tooth

34-year-old woman5 years ago
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20 hours

Maxime Laflamme · 5 years ago
Indeed, it could be conjunctivitis. However, conjunctivitis is often self-limiting. It can go away by itself in 24-48 hours. You can use cold water compresses to reduce the inflammation in the eye. If the eye is stuck in the morning, runs during the day or has been very red for more than 24-48 hours, it would be advisable to consult a doctor to see if an antibiotic treatment is appropriate. In case of doubt, your pharmacist will be able to make a brief evaluation of your child and refer you if necessary.
thank you
Maxime Laflamme · 5 years ago
I forgot, it's unlikely to be related to his teething.

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