I have had my left tonsil enlarged and swollen for a long time and I have no other symptoms. Should I be concerned?

25-year-old woman3 years ago
contraceptive pill, no health problems
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20 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
In most cases, if your symptom presentation is not severe, we usually wait for time and good home care to take effect! :)
There is, however, a very useful tool that allows us to ascertain the need for a doctor's visit to obtain an antibiotic. It is the modified Center score, which you can calculate using the table found on page 2 here: https://www.inesss.qc.ca/fileadmin/doc/CDM/UsageOptimal/Guides-serieI/Guide-PharyngiteAmygdalite.pdf.
Explanation of result=
  • If your score is 3 or higher, you need to see a doctor.
If not, I suggest you stay well hydrated and take Advil (Ibuprofen), if you don't have any contraindications, such as pregnancy, at 200mg every 4 hours if necessary (maximum of 1200mg / day). Taking Tylenol may also be an appropriate option. This will be able to alleviate pain and inflammation.
If you are taking any other medications or have any health issues, I encourage you to consult your pharmacist to check on the interaction and safety of their medications. You may also want to favor cold foods and avoid irritating ones.
Note that if symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks or if symptoms become more severe, you may very likely need antibiotic treatment.
Finally, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, I would also suggest that you complete the self-assessment issued by the Government of Quebec to see if screening is necessary; https://cv19quebec.ca/s/?language=fr&flow=symptomatic.
I hope to have answered your question and good luck with the rest of the process.
Maeva Di-Re, Pharmacy Student
Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist
25-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Good evening, thank you for your reply. My score is below 3, I am not worried but in fact I am only wondering if it is normal to have a swollen tonsil bigger than the other one for several months and even for several years. When I look at my throat, I always have one tonsil that is bigger than the other for a long time. I have no symptoms of any other disease, I just have this strange physical appearance. I feel like it's just that it stayed that way after a bad cold a few years ago but I just don't understand why it stayed bigger than the other one. Why it hasn't returned to its normal size. A normal sized tonsil, no lump and you can see the back of the throat. My left tonsil is always more swollen than the other for several years. It should be noted that this does not bother me, I eat well, swallow well, it is only its appearance that worries me.
Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
If you are concerned about this, you may indeed want to discuss it with a doctor.
A physical examination will let us know if further testing is needed.
Happy day :)

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