My left armpit has an unpleasant smell. What can I do about it?

25-year-old woman4 years ago
I sweat a lot and at the end of the day, my left armpit smells very strong, and my right one still smells like my antiperspirant... The hair in my left armpit grows much faster too. I've tried all kinds of products (regular, natural, aluminum free, powder...) and none of them are strong enough. I don't know what to do anymore...
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9 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
There are situations where the bacterial composition of certain sections of the skin is different from other sections. That seems to be your case here, considering that it is mostly the presence of certain bacteria that causes odors like the ones you describe.
Unfortunately, there is very little we can do here in my opinion. Some stronger antiperspirants are available in pharmacies, and even with a prescription, it might be worthwhile to go to the pharmacy and discuss with the pharmacist what products have been tried to date and see what alternatives are available remaining in your situation.
If necessary, the pharmacist may recommend that you go to the doctor for a prescription (but probably not right away).
Good evening,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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