I bought a medication (hemovel) for hemorrhoids. I am overweight and taking Zoloft. Is it risky to combine the two?

43 -year-old man4 years ago
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17 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
The active ingredient in Hemovel is diosmin. With the knowledge we currently have, diosmin (Hemovel) is not known to have any specific interactions with other medications.
*However, this product is contraindicated in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding
For your hemorrhoids and to relieve the pain
  • I recommend sitz baths with warm water (10 to 15 minutes: 3 times a day)
  • I also recommend applying cold compresses to the anus
Samiha Hadj Bouazza, pharmacy student under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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